The media has been very good at distributing health facts to the general public. Many people tell us that they "know what they should do, but just don't do it". Greg has been speaking at conferences, schools, various events and to companies since 1998. His approach fills the gap between what we know we should do and the strategies to do it. His strategies will teach you how to live that healthy lifestyle and enjoy the process. Greg has spoken to many companies within Scotia Place and assisted with their wellness initiatives.
Hourly Rate: $210 (including GST) Driving charges outside Edmonton not included.
" Wow, today's lunch and learn with Greg Harvey from Fit N' Well was excellent. I want to thank everyone who could make it for coming out and participating.
The feedback has been " was entertaining", "...the bad eating habits are everything I do ... when you get them pointed out you realize that there is more to change than just exercising", " ... I think the exercises he showed for lower back, will help me with the back pain".
Thank you, "
Mariina Heinonen, CHRP
Human Resources Consultant
Northern Alberta, Allianz Canada